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A new Reality Show Idea "The Mommy Games!"

I have a new reality TV show idea! "The Mommy Games". A group of Moms compete in a series of competitions:

Level 1: wake up early after little to no sleep, get yourself dressed, hair done, make-up on for the office, prepare breakfast, make lunches, sign permission slips, remember projects that are due, plan for dinner, kiss the spouse, drive kids to school and get them there in time.

Level 2: If you make it through level one-then you move on to the next set of trials... driving through traffic to get to the office on time. Bonus points if you have enough time to stop at Starbucks. Don't forget the lipstick/lip-gloss before you exit the car. Full day at the office, lunch at your desk so you can leave on time, (double points if you packed your own lunch-a container of easy mac thrown into your purse doesn't count). While eating lunch and working at your desk also make kids Doctor, dentist, eye doctor, etc. appointments. Kick ass all day -be creative, innovative, negotiate killer deals (all while still smiling).

Level 3: the nighttime ritual...sounds scary because it is! Race out of the office to pick up oldest from after school activities, stop at market to pick up fresh, free range protein for dinner (disqualified for using frozen protein), get home to relieve nanny. Kiss spouse-ask everyone about their day and listen! Help with homework, make a healthy, delicious and homemade dinner with farmers market vegetables (disqualified if everything is not organic). Serve dinner, get minimum 2 loads of laundry done (leaving it in the dryer is a major point deduction), read work emails, finish projects from the workday, get kids to bed, plan a party, make Costco shopping list, spend 30 mins quality time with spouse, go to bed and fall asleep as fast as you all starts over tomorrow.

The Gauntlet: If you make it through all 3 intense rounds of challenges, then you move onto the gauntlet..."The Weekend"... get ready to set playdates, find area family festivals, go to swim lessons, find 2 hours to sneak out to get your greys covered at the salon, stock up on supplies at Costco, target and Whole Foods.

Mystery round!!! Can you find a babysitter??? Could there be a date night???

Bravo-you know you want to buy my show :)

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