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What I Like...

Suburban Gangster

I thought the ewoks were pretty cute (when I was 7) and Harrison Ford has always been dreamy (even post plane crashes) - but Star Wars just isn't my cup of tea. Now - I did love the series of Look Who's Talking movies starring Kirstie judge me if you must, but who can resist babies talking!

Love the table runner my husband's parents gave me for the 15th anniversary of me turning 29:) I get VERY excited about planning a table for the holidays.  This year for Thanksgiving I am really into herbs and pomegranates. Not sure how it will come together but have found some great inspiration!

I had no idea that I was so good at drawing portraits of people. I clearly have a gift as my son knew exactly who each person was on the bottom of our family wall calendar. Time to quit the day job and set up shop on the Santa Monica pier! I'm basically the Van Gogh of stick figure portraiture...

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